The Nanny Diaries/ Nicola Kraus & Emma McLaughlin

The Nanny Diaries - Nicola Kraus, Emma McLaughlin

3.5 stars


I gave this book 3.5 stars because it was a cute book- the kind you can read during a reading slump not because it was terrific, but because it was very light and didn't really demand your complete attention. 


things I liked- the book was very humorous and fun, you loved to hate some of the characters in this story, while still managing to feel bad for them as the story unraveled. Though we didn't really get to know each of the characters in depth (understandable, seeing as this is a pretty short book), they were all likable (not in the sense of who they WERE, but in the sense of how they were portrayed). 


things I disliked- the ending felt a little sudden and unresolved to me (though I suppose this might be the way these things really happen in reality) but my main problem was the romance- on one hand, I understood it was a little vague because the focus is on the child's relationship with his nanny, but still- I mean, we didn't even get his NAME. I didn't understand how this relationship came to be, and while I get the main point, I think these gaps in the story did more harm than good- there could have been other ways to relay the message. 


Anyway, read it and let me know what YOU think!

Georgie xxxxxx